Preprints and publications
- Nerves of enriched categories via necklaces [arXiv]
- Discrete vertices in simplicial objects internal to a monoidal category [arXiv]
- Joint with Wendy Lowen: Frobenius Templicial Modules and the dg-Nerve [arXiv]
- Joint with Violeta Borges Marques and Wendy Lowen: Deformations of Quasi-categories in Modules. Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 2025, 107866, ISSN 0022-4049.
Joint with Wendy Lowen: Enriched Quasi-categories and the Templicial Homotopy Coherent Nerve. Algebraic and Geometric Topology, accepted for publication. [arXiv]
- Joint with Violeta Borges Marques: The Category of Necklaces is Reedy Monoidal. Theory and Applications of Categories, 2024, Volume 41, p.71-85.